About the Journal
As part of the Multidisciplinary Journal of Engineering Sciences, we accept for publication reviewed articles on:
- Chemistry and Physics,
- Materials, Nanomaterials, and Mechanics,
- Energy, Mining Engineering, and Environmental Protection,
- Bioengineering, Agriculture and Industry Systems,
- Information and Electronic Engineering,
- Engineering Management,
- Construction, Operation, and Modification of Technological Processes and Products.
The scientific board of the journal consists of high-class international scientists, while the review process is carried out constructively and transparently to ensure the highest quality of the presented research. Our goal is to support researchers from all over the world by disseminating their multidisciplinary scientific papers.
Journal Publication Frequency: Quarterly
The first editor decision is approximately: 5-10 days
Review time is approximate: 14-30 days
The final editor decision is approximately: 16-50 days
ISSN: 2956-6053
Abstract & Indexing: Google Scholar
Current Issue
Assoc. Prof. Anna Hnydiuk-Stefan Opole University of Technology
Editorial and Publishing Office Address
Goldfield Publishing Sp. z o. o.
Komuny Paryskiej 71/U1
50-451 Wrocław
PL 8992942240
e-mail: editor@goldfieldsci.com
Wrocław, 4Q 2024